Friday, April 2, 2010

Manapori to Invergargill

Today was an easy drive day to Invergargill. It was a good thing it was an easy drive because it rained for the entire drive.

From Manapori we dropped south and then east along the coast. The route is called the Southern Scenic route. It was a pretty drive, but would have been better had it not been raining.

It was a day for mostly indoor activity, so we visited museums that we found on the route. I think I've mentioned it before, but most towns have an information center and a lot of them have a museum displaying local items covering the history of the area. They are informative and interesting.

We did find another old suspension bridge (built between 1896 and 1899) in Clifton. This one was no longer in use for traffice, but it was possible to walk across it. We declined the walk because of the rain.

It also was the location of New Zealand's smallest information kiosk.

The museums were at Tuatapere, Riverton, and here in Invergargill. We spent a little time in Riverton which included a drive out to the Riverton Rocks, and lunch overlooking the entrance to the esturary.

We also noted a house where the owners were advertising the status of their marriage.

Short blog today, but tomorrow we are hoping it will be a little less rainy and we can do more outdoor activities. Tomorrow being Easter, not much will be open, other than the tourist places.

We hope each of you has a very nice Easter.

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