Monday, March 22, 2010

Abel Tasman/Marahau

We drove from Hanmer Springs to Marahau today. The trip was around 250 km. The drive was really nice and what we saw weas very pretty. Unfortunately, we had rain most of the way which kept us from taking any pictures between the two places. For those with New Zealand maps Marahau is Northwest of Nelson, on the west side of Tasman Bay.

The drive took us across Lewis pass and through the New Zealand Alps. It was really a fun road, two lane and twisty/turney. In case you didn't know I enjoy driving those types of roads. Even in our Ford Mondeo. It has a really good suspension system which keeps the car relatively flat through corners. It is very responsive, except on one very twisty section right at the end of our drive. There I could not keep up with the Miata and fell back a kilometer or so.

One of the reasons for coming here is Sylvia is a Kayaker and this is a really good sea Kayak location. She is going to do that tomorrow (an all day event) while the rest of us explore the Able Tasman park via water taxi. Water taxi is the only way into the park other than on foot.

So this afternoon and evening was spent making arrangements for tomorrows events and have a lovely meal at a local resturant. We also took a short stroll along the beach at Marahau. One the menu was Monk Fish, Sirloin Steak, Lamp Filet, and fish chowder. That plus a little wine and beer.

I seem to have a better internet connection this evening, so I'm going to add some pictures on this entry, plus add pictures to yesterdays entry. So if you have read yesterdays before pictures, you may want to go back and take another look.

A couple of you have let is know, you can't leave notes for us on the blog. I'm not sure why, other that you need to signup on Google to get access. I know Katie added a note early one (my first entry). If you would rather not or can't make that work, we are reading e-mail so you can let us know your comments there.

1 comment:

  1. Using Google Reader with our Google accounts not only gets the Post a Comment box with each post, we automatically see your posts along with the morning news.

    Otherwise, I think it's just a matter of clicking the "0 comments".

    How good to be able to rent a 2nd generation Miata - the best one.

    Have a ball, take more pictures.
